Call for Abstract

International Conference on Applied Microbiology, will be organized around the theme “”

Asian Applied Microbiology 2020 is comprised of 15 tracks and 53 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Asian Applied Microbiology 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

AppliedMicrobiology deals with the applications knowledge of microbiology i.e., the applications of microorganisms. It involves the exploitation of microbes for the production of specific product or use. Genetic engineering is one of the approach that is applied to the basic microbiology and turns up the basic microbiology into applied microbiology.
Applied microbiology’s goal is to achieve a sustainable environment along with human welfare
  • Track 1-1Vaccines and immunostimulants development
  • Track 1-2Probiotics
  • Track 1-3Future aspects of beneficial microbes

The composition, physiology and interaction of microbial communities in the environment are termed as environmental microbiology.Through these patterns of microbes, the nature of different possible environments in which they are situated, the methodologies used to monitor microorganisms and their activities, their effects on human and negative as well as positive aspects could be easily understood by this.



  • Track 2-1Microbial degradation of xenobiotics
  • Track 2-2New Strategies in Bioconversion
  • Track 2-3Biocatalysis and Biotransformation
  • Track 2-4Bioremediation

Medical microbiology deals with the study of microbes that are pathogenic and play a role in human illness. For that it includes the study of pathogenesis, epidemiology, disease pathology and immunology of the one suffering from illness. Also, it enlists the applications of microbes in medicine. Medical microbiology begins with the immunesurveillance that focuses on the body’s response to invading microorganisms.




  • Track 3-1Clinical significance
  • Track 3-2Antimicrobial Susceptibility
  • Track 3-3Transplant and Pediatric infectious diseases
  • Track 3-4Drug Discovery

It is the combined field of microbiology and pharmacy, under which the study of microorganisms that are used in the production of antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins, vaccines and other pharmaceuticals products.Pharmaceutical microbiology also deals with the study of the of pharmaceutical contamination and spoilage caused by microbes.So, microbes can be either useful in production of pharmaceutical products or may cause spoilage of these products.



  • Track 4-1Microbes used in production of pharmaceutical products
  • Track 4-2Microbial risk to pharmaceuticals
  • Track 4-3Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Phytochemical Properties

Industrial microbiology applies microbial science to create high value industrial products that are valuable to humans. Microbes used industrial processes have the ability to produce chemical compounds that couldn’t be synthesized in laboratory or it takes great difficulty to be synthesized. Also, some chemical products can be synthesized more efficiently and cheaply by the action of microbial species. Use of microbes also tends to increase the product yield.

  • Track 5-1Industrial microorganisms
  • Track 5-2Primary and secondary metabolites
  • Track 5-3Biofuels and Bioproducts
  • Track 5-4Industrial microbial products in healthcare
  • Track 5-5Waste water treatment and water purification
  • Track 5-6 Bioaugmentation

Application of scientific and engineering tools and principles to the processing of material by microbial species to create useful products and processes.  Microbial species that are being used may be native isolates, genetically modified microbes or laboratory selected mutants. Microbial biotechnology enabled with genomics lead to breakthroughs such as improves vaccines and better disease-diagnostic tools and improves microbial agents.

  • Track 6-1Genetic diagnosis and gene therapy
  • Track 6-2Production of vaccines, antibiotics, and hormones
  • Track 6-3Transgenic plant and animals
  • Track 6-4Organic insecticides

This deals with the study of Microorganisms that inhibit, create or contaminate food and dairy products. The main goal of food and dairy microbiology is to use microorganisms to enhance or produce new food products and to study the disease or infection causing microorganisms and their prevention.



  • Track 7-1Food and Dairy borne diseases
  • Track 7-2Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology
  • Track 7-3Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Prevention
  • Track 7-4Microbes used in Production of Food and Dairy products

This field of applied microbiology explores the various aspects of the plant microbes such as genetics, physiology, molecular biology , virulence and pathogenicity. It deals with the study of infectious agents of microbes, resistance and improvements  of the agricultural crops with the economic importance and beneficial aspects of normal agricultural flora.



  • Track 8-1Plant Microbiology and Pathology
  • Track 8-2Soil Microbiology
  • Track 8-3Veterinary Microbiology
  • Track 8-4Crop resistance

Forensic microbiology focuses on the medicolegal and criminal investigations by trace evidence analysis. The study is used as weapon against bioterrorism and standup to the heavy scientific scrutinity. Rapid identification and subtyping of infectious agents can be done.



  • Track 9-1Microbial Genetic Analysis
  • Track 9-2Detection, Identification and Quantifation of proteins
  • Track 9-3Investigation and Diagnosis

Cellular microbiology deals with the microbes that are pathogenic and attempting them to use as tools for cell-biology research, and to use cell-biology methods the pathogenicity of microbes should be known. It is the combination of cell biology and molecular biology. It deals with cell cycle, metabolism, signal transduction, anatomy and physiology. It also studies the microbes that are transfiguring towards antibiotic agent.


  • Track 10-1Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
  • Track 10-2Diagnostic Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology, Parasitology and Virology
  • Track 10-3Genetic heterogeneity and Taxonomic diversity

The use of naturally occurring microbes, effective microbes, GMOs, or deliberately introduced microbes to consume, breakdown and remove environmental pollutants, contaminants and toxins to clean a polluted site is the essence of bioremediation.It’s an ecofriendly approach of acquiring a pollution free environment.Major environmental issues such as oil spills or contaminated groundwater. It could be done in either of the way “insitu” or “exsitu”. This process leads to the stimulation of microbial growth that leads to the utilization of pollutants.

  • Track 11-1Bioinformatics approach
  • Track 11-2Use of nanotechnology along with effective microbes
  • Track 11-3Applications of GMOs in bioremediation

To maintain the identity of living system, living organisms continuously experiences high levels of metabolic activities inside. Such metabolic activities includes huge number of chemical reactions that happens vigorously which changes the chemical species from one to a different thereby leading to energetic transactions that leads to biochemical functionalities. Microbial physiology has its applications in both fundamental research and in industries. Metabolic engineering in microbial physiology and biomolecules can lead to substantial research and functional genomics.

  • Track 12-1Immobilized biomolecules
  • Track 12-2Microbe binding biomolecules
  • Track 12-3Metagenomic approach

Microbial gene technology deals with the applications of genetic engineering into microbiology. Different techniques are used for Genetic engineering of microbes which studies the genotype of microbial species and its gene expression and gene manipulation or modification is done that leads to recombinant model of microbes.Manipulation and modification is done as to produce desired traits in microbes which could turn up to human and environment welfare.






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  • Track 13-1Gene array based high-throughput Technologies
  • Track 13-2Microbial Gene Expression
  • Track 13-3DNA Microarray Technology


Cellular and Molecular immunology deals with cellular acivities in experimental or clinical situations. It is the interactions among cells and molecules of the system that contributes to the popularity and elimination of pathogens. The response to pathogens consists by the complex interactions and activities of the massive number of diverse cell types involved within the immune reaction. .





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  • Track 14-1Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology
  • Track 14-2Antifungal Agents and Resistance
  • Track 14-3Antimicrobial Pharmacokinetics

Bio materials are those substances or components which are designed to associate with the natural frameworks for clinical applications. Microorganisms can be used in the production of such materials and hence such materials are known as biomaterials.






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  • Track 15-1Microbial bio fabrication for Nanomedicine
  • Track 15-2Biochemical extracellular Matrices
  • Track 15-3Applications in Transplantation Therapies